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The Fractally Nested Mandlebrotic Looping Free Will Simulator For The Soul

Writer's picture: Johnny FootwrinkleJohnny Footwrinkle

Updated: Jul 18, 2021

Imagine our sun is an atom and the planets/moons are neutrons and electrons, imagine every atom inside your body is a star, imagine that every star in the night sky is a single atom inside a body and the galaxies are molecules, collections of atoms in a huge body ,Imagine the billions of stars we see as the universe all make a human... a fractally nested human being repeating in a mandlebrot type infinite loop...

The light that takes billions of years to reach us from the distant stars is like the electrical impulse that travels between atoms in our body in billionths of a second. Every single atom in your body is a star, your body is an entire universe within a universe within a universe,like a russian doll that goes on infinitly.

Your consciousness is the collective consciouness/godhead of the inhabitants inside you and the collective consciousness/godhead that we pray to/connect with is the singular consciousness of the body within which our star exists, so for instance, me, writing this now, my singular consciousness is the collective of the billions of different species and races living inside me, and the singular consciousness I connect to and call god or creator/divine force/source/whatever is the collective of billions of different races within my 'normal' daily waking universe that make up someone else on this planet, we all live inside each other and we are all each others godheads.

Imagine your heart chakra opening and sending it's energy to all the billions of inhabitants inside your body and as your body fills with the energy from your chakra the universe around you fills with it's energy too, it's like a ripple that touches every single living being filling each persons body/universe in turn and then returns to you in the outer universe, starts inside you, flows through everybody and as it fills your body the universe around you fills at the same time, as it reaches you the loop is completed. as above so below, as within so without. If you send your chakra energy out into the outer universe it will flow through each person, filling their individual universe until the ripple returns inside you, filling your body with it's energy......

When we die we rejoin the collective consciousness as a step along an enlightening process, imagine your mind expanding as the billions of souls inside you on an atomic level, join into your waking consciousness as you grow and develop as an individual. Each one of us is a drop of consciousness like a drop of water from a lake, experiencing this reality from every perspective possible, our universe is a human body, each one of us on earth has our own universe and we all live inside each other in a mandlebrotic fractally nested human, 7 billion interlooped dimensions/realities. each one of us is the same as everyone else, we all have the same soul, we are all born the same and die the same, the only difference is the experiences between these 2 points....and then.....

Imagine the rotating mask illusion,where the inside of a rotating mask looks like the outside when viewed from the right angle.... .

You're not inside your body, you're outside looking in through your eyes, the universe is inside your physical shell but your soul is looking in from the outside, the illusion is that you are inside yourself. In reality there is actually nothing behind your eyes as you view the world around you, you believe you have a head and can see every one elses and for all intents and purposes there is as much physical reality behind you as there is before you, this is just an illusion to make you truly believe that you are in this reality right now.

If you imagine a white space, just white light in every direction, no shapes or forms, everything is pure light, then a human form appears and you look into it's eyes, suddenly you're first person perspective in the physical universe you call your everyday reality.... the eyes really are the window to the soul, your soul is watching this reality like a virtual reality headset. one soul(god) experiencing 7+ billion different realities simultaneously

A fractaly nested mandlebrotic looping free will simulator for your soul -

enjoy yourselfs

oh and children, do try to behave now and again.



The Strange Similarity of Neuron and Galaxy Networks

" astrophysicist and a neuroscientist—joined forces to quantitatively compare the complexity of galaxy networks and neuronal networks. The first results from our comparison are truly surprising: Not only are the complexities of the brain and cosmic web actually similar, but so are their structures. The universe may be self-similar across scales that differ in size by a factor of a billion billion billion. "


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