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The Climate Change Issue

Writer's picture: Johnny FootwrinkleJohnny Footwrinkle

Updated: Apr 7, 2024

Too many people are ignoring the science and then trying to call everyone else idiots for actually doing the research. So many scientists are being ignored or deplatformed for simply stating scientific facts regarding climate, this needs stopping ASAP!! We owe it to the future generations to get it right and we can't get it right with a one sided argument that ignores the real data and cherry picks the bits that suit it's own narrative! So this blog is going to be genuine climate science that counters the mainstream falsehoods we are being fed, no media or celebrity hype, just science.

Climate change is NOT man made, the sun controls our climate more than humans do.

The IPCC are updating their climate models to include solar particle forcing due to the overhwelming flood of peer reviewed literature based on magnetic field and ionospheric data from NASA and the ESA

Although evidence from both modern observations and paleoclimate records support claims that solar activity is a significant driver of climate change on decadal and century timescales,

Planet Earth is currently in a warming phase and has been warming since the end of the last ice age 12,500 years ago, at the end of the Younger Dryas period, no amount of climate activism is going to stop our planet doing what it does naturally.

Huge Stores of Arctic Sea Ice Likely Contributed to Past Climate Cooling

Co2 is being used as a boogeyman to manipulate people, Co2 is plant food and we exhale it when we breathe, a look into the ice core,tree ring and climate records will show that levels of Co2 have been much higher than we currently see in 2020, the worst that could happen is the flora and fauna really explode and we see a lot more plant life on our planet. Co2 is not the problem and our energy is being misdirected with such a focus on it.

Planet Earth has been both hotter and colder than humans have ever recorded, by a long way and the current warming phase is nothing new.

Solar activity is the main driver for our climate, we experience solar flares, coronal mass ejections, sunspots, and the solar wind hitting us, throwing loads of energy into the planetary climate systems, this can cause earthquakes, tropical storms and hurricanes, typhoons and also volcanoes to erupt which will belch ash into the sky actually blocking sunlight and cooling our planet, nature has a way of balancing things out. Our position in the greater cycle orbit of 26,000 years also affects climate and we move closer to and farther away from our star

Sea levels have been rising at the same rate as they are today since BEFORE industrialisation

Scientists discover rapid sea level rise along the Atlantic coast of North America 300 years ago

Sea levels have also been dropping as the Earths crust raises up after centuries of being covered in ice 2 miles thick, all that weight and pressure removed and it returns to it's previous state.

We simply don't have enough accurate data to be able to say 'XYZ' is man made and the rest is natural, at the moment our best guess is literally just that, a guess! Even NASA have said their models are not accurate enough to be able to predict climate change

NASA: Todays climate models must be improved tenfold to be acurate

NASA: We Can’t Model Clouds, so Climate Model Projections are 100x LESS ACCURATE - "

NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels

Study shows that an increase in vegetation is slowing climate change

Co2 will slow climate change, not increase it. Apparently 93% of global warming (GW) is ocean warming. So CO2 must DRIVE ocean heat change, but CO2 IR only penetrates 0.01 mm into the ocean's skin (TSL).

This means CO2 forcing can only have an effect on 0.049% of ocean heat change. CO2 therefore cannot drive GW.

The 2021 IPCC Report has three utterly embarrassing failures.

1:They plainly ignored the magnitude of literature on severity of their uncertainties... and claimed certainty.

2:They claimed to use solar particle forcing, but they in-fact did not.

3:They gave no modeling respect to cosmic rays, the changing geomagnetic field, or the global electric circuit.

Great Thunberg. Greta is not a scientists or a physicist, she is a media puppet being used to gaslight and radicalise the children into a state of fear and panic, the same fear and panic we see every few years, if all the previous global warming stories were true the planet would have died several times over in the last 30 years.

People do not check the science and space weather daily

People do not understand the science and this is being exploited

People parrot what the media tells them without question.

It doesn't matter how much water you save, how much less plastic you use, it's not going to affect the climate.

Pollution is wrong but pollution and climate change are being conflated as the same issue when they clearly are not, we should all do whatever we can to stop polluting the planet, no arguments there but it's not going to affect the climate and it's so sad to see people falling for this fairy tale when the outcome is going to be more taxes and restrictions on things like transport and everyday commodities as a result.

Once upon a time they would tell you they could kill the sun when they knew an eclipse was coming, today they tell you the world is going to end because of C02 and YOU are to blame!! They are simply exploiting your lack of understanding of the natural cycles of the stars and galaxies and their electrical and electromagnetic nature, simply manipulating you to cash in the natural cycles of nature itself.

The climate change agenda isn't about saving the world, it's about changing peoples behaviour and taxing them for the privilige!

And here you have it, the real reason for the climate change 'fearmongering'



Form a climate club: United States, European Union and China

If the three biggest economies agree a carbon tax on imports, it will catalyse climate action globally.

Joe Biden’s presidency of the United States is an opportunity to realize a long-discussed approach to global warming: a climate club. The United States, the European Union and China together emit half of the world’s greenhouse gases. They must come together to cut domestic emissions and levy a carbon tax on imports. That would incentivize all nations to cut their emissions.

Nobel-prizewinning economist William Nordhaus proposed the climate-club idea in 20151. He suggested that a group of countries should agree to manage emissions to a strict level and coordinate tariffs on imports from others. Nations would want to join the club to avoid trade penalties.

Canada's Supreme Court rules in favour of national carbon tax


Stratospheric Aerosol injection

"...Stratospheric aerosol injection is a proposed method of solar geoengineering (or solar radiation modification) to reduce global warming. This would introduce aerosols into the stratosphere to create a cooling effect via global dimming and increased albedo, which occurs naturally from volcanic winter.[1] It appears that stratospheric aerosol injection, at a moderate intensity, could counter most changes to temperature and precipitation, take effect rapidly, have low direct implementation costs, and be reversible in its direct climatic effects."

The idea is quite simple, you reflect sunlight / solar radiation back into space and cool the planet, but the reality is something completely different. Tiny particles are sprayed from aircraft at high altitude to act as nuclei for water droplets to form around, this creates a trail similar to a contrail behind the plane that then hangs in the air, as the mass of water droplets attracts moisture from the surrounding atmosphere the trail starts to widen and lose altitude due to the body of water slowly increasing in density and weight whilst continuing to expand across the sky. These artificially formed clouds then reflect sunlight back into space. You can spot these clouds quite easily, they have dead straight edges and create a hazy purplish-grey haze that blocks out the sunlight. These clouds are a huge mass of water that then falls out of the sky where it was never meant to fall, in vast quantities! We are seeing unprecedented rainfalls where we never used to see them because of this geo-engineering, all that water that gathers in these clouds has to be discharged somwhere and when it falls in record volumes we are told it's 'climate change' and that we are to blame with our lifestyles. This 'climate change' is manmade but it's not being done by the man on the street, it's being done at the government and militarial levels but you and I are getting the blame for it and being punished.

When SAI commenced people noticed the trails in the sky but were written of as conspiracy theorists, as if the word conspiracy means 'imagining things or deluded', in order to deflect attention away from it and make it seem like it belongs the domain of tin foil hats but here we are, the science is available, we see the chemtrails in the sky that not only block out sunlight but also prevent us recieving vitamin D, damaging the health of the human race and our planet. We feel the impact of this weather modification through the floods that destroy homes and communities, through the drying up of water supplies because the rain is falling elsewehere, through the financial costs of increased food prices due to 'extreme weather' or 'climate change'.

Climate change is a scam, you are being blamed for the deliberate manipulation of the weather!

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection AKA Chemtrails
Look up, the sky never used to look like this.
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection aka Chemtrails

I'm not trying to single China out, but this shows just how much of an industry it has become whilst those who tried to draw attention to it were cast as stupid and conspiracy loons.

'Rain control technologies used by China must be regulated'

Artificial rainfall techniques via cloud seeding are now used by many countries, particularly China. In his op-ed for 'Le Monde,' Franck Galland laments that these techniques are not being properly regulated.
These techniques are no longer science fiction, as they were when Edgar P. Jacobs introduced them to readers of the adventures of Blake and Mortimer in SOS Météores. These two adventurers were confronted with the Machiavellian plans of Professor Miloch and Colonel Olrik, aiming at modifying the weather by creating an incessant rain, sowing chaos and facilitating a later military invasion.

Beijing Weather Modification Office

The Beijing Weather Modification Office is a unit of the Beijing Meteorological Bureau tasked with weather control in Beijing, and its surrounding areas, including parts of Hebei and Inner Mongolia.[1][2][3]

The Beijing Weather Modification Office form a part of China's nationwide weather control effort, believed to be the world's largest; it employs 37,000 people nationwide, who seed clouds by firing rockets and shells loaded with silver iodide into them.

....they were enlisted by the Chinese government to ensure that the 2008 Summer Olympics were free of rain, by breaking up clouds headed towards the capital and forcing them to drop rain on outlying areas instead.[4] The office created a snowstorm in November 2009


These videos explain how our climate operates, just science, no hype!

CLIMATE FORCING | Our Future is Cold

THE SUN | Plasma Climate Forcing

Plasma Climate Forcing | Path to the Atmosphere

Plasma Climate Forcing | Vortex and Jet Streams

Plasma Climate Forcing | The Sun & The Oceans

Plasma Climate Forcing | Tropical Storms

The Sun & Earth | Rapid Temperature Forcing

THE SUN | Plasma Climate Forcing Finale

Scenario #4 | Real Climate Science

Climate Science Criticized by Climate Experts & More

Top 10 Climate Studies[2019/2020]

Heading For An Ice Age | Top Journal Selections

Scientists expect that changes in the current could influence the Atlantic Ocean, ultimately chilling the Western European climate

The Structure of Climate Variability Across Scales

46 STATEMENTS By IPCC Experts Against The IPCC

What causes an ice age to end?

Impact of Cloud Ice Particle Size Uncertainty in A Climate Model and Implications for Future Satellite Missions


A decadal-resolution stalagmite record of strong Asian summer monsoon from Northwestern Vietnam over the Dansgaard–Oeschger events 2–4

Previous paleoclimatic studies by Asian cave records have shown that variability in the Asian summer monsoons is well correlated with local summer insolation, North Atlantic climate, and the Greenland stadial-interstadial cycles on millennial to orbital time-scales.


Confronting Arctic troposphere, clouds, and surface energy budget representations in regional climate models with observations

Influences of Solar Forcing at Ultraviolet and Longer Wavelengths on Climate

Internal variability dominates over externally forced ocean circulation changes seen through CFCs

Will climate change impact polar NOx produced by energetic particle precipitation?

Local and global effects on the diurnal variation of the atmospheric electric field in South America by comparison with the Carnegie curve


Ths one proves the planet used to be warmer and had to cool down to allow the ice to form or grow!

Melting Ice Has Uncovered Hundreds of Ancient Viking Artifacts and a Previously Unknown Trade Route in Norway


Cold Air Rises. What That Means for Earth’s Climate. The Lightness of Water Vapor Buffers Climate Warming in the Tropics

The lightness of water vapor helps to stabilize tropical climate

Orbital forcing strongly influences seasonal temperature trends during the last millennium

Quantifying the tropical upper tropospheric warming amplification using radio occultation measurements

Scholarly articles concerning fake climate change


Top 10 Climate Studies [2019/2020]

#10 Solar wind signal in the wintertime North Atlantic oscillation and Northern Hemispheric circulation

#9 Slowdown of the Walker circulation at solar cycle maximum

#8 Sixty-year quasi-period of the Asian monsoon around the Last Interglacial derived from an annually resolved stalagmite δ18O record

#7 Decadal variability of northern Asian winter monsoon shaped by the 11-year solar cycle

#6 Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections

#5 +A 5680-year tree-ring temperature record for southern South America

#4 High climate sensitivity in CMIP6 model not supported by paleoclimate

#3 100 Years of Progress in Understanding the Stratosphere and Mesosphere

#2 Precipitation Modification by Ionization

#1 Low Latitude Lightning Activity Responses to Cosmic Ray Forbush Decreases


On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare

Recent global warming trends are inconsistent with very high climate sensitivity

Cold-weather accounts for almost all temperature-related deaths

Maximum July–September temperatures derived from tree‐ring densities on the western Loess Plateau, China

Temperature variations extracted from ring widths of firs growing in the humid environment of the mid-Qinling Mountains

Analysis Finds Solar Activity Controls Climate Change

Antarctic Ice Loss Expected to Affect Future Climate Change

Future climate response to Antarctic Ice Sheet melt caused by anthropogenic warming

Sun-induced synchronizations of the interannual to interdecadal hemispheric mean (land and sea) temperature variations


Melting icebergs key to sequence of an ice age, scientists find

Scientists claim to have found the ‘missing link’ in the process that leads to an ice age on Earth.

Melting icebergs in the Antarctic are the key, say the team from Cardiff University, triggering a series of chain reactions that plunges Earth into a prolonged period of cold temperatures.

The findings have been published today in Nature from an international consortium of scientists from universities around the world.


UW Researchers Find Wildfire Smoke is More Cooling on Climate Than Computer Models Assume

A study of biomass burning aerosols led by University of Wyoming researchers revealed that smoke from wildfires has more of a cooling effect on the atmosphere than computer models assume.

“The study addresses the impact of wildfires on global climate, and we extensively used the NCAR-Wyoming supercomputer (Cheyenne),” says Shane Murphy, a UW associate professor of atmospheric science. “Also, the paper used observations from UW and other teams around the world to compare to the climate model results. The main conclusion of the work is that wildfire smoke is more cooling than current models assume.”


Multiple regression analysis of anthropogenic and heliogenic climate

drivers, and some cautious forecast

How aerosols are formed

COVID-19 lockdowns temporarily raised global temperatures

Climate Impacts of COVID‐19 Induced Emission Changes

Auroral Energy Flux and Joule Heating Derived from Global Maps of Field‐Aligned Currents


Importance of Uncertainties in the Spatial Distribution of Pre‐Industrial Wildfires for Estimating Aerosol Radiative Forcing

Altering only the spatial distribution of pre‐industrial fires for a fixed magnitude adds a previously unaccounted 25% uncertainty to the total aerosol radiative forcing range


Tree Rings of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Indicate the Relationship with Solar Cycles during Climate Change in Central and Southern Europe


On calm days, sunlight warms the ocean surface and drives turbulence, study finds

The new findings could have important implications for weather forecasting and climate modeling, said Simon de Szoeke, a professor in OSU’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences and the lead author of the study.

“The ocean warms in the afternoon by just a degree or two, but it is an effect that has largely been ignored,” said de Szoeke. “We would like to know more accurately how often this is occurring and what role it may play in global weather patterns.”

Diurnal Ocean Surface Warming Drives Convective Turbulence and Clouds in the Atmosphere


High end of climate sensitivity in new climate models seen as less plausible

Researchers at Princeton University and the University of Miami reported that newer models with a high “climate sensitivity” — meaning they predict much greater global warming from the same levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide as other models — do not provide a plausible scenario of Earth’s future climate.


More evidence the planet was warmer in the past then cooled for the ice to form or grow!

UVM scientists stunned to discover plants beneath mile-deep Greenland ice

In 1966, US Army scientists drilled down through nearly a mile of ice in northwestern Greenland—and pulled up a fifteen-foot-long tube of dirt from the bottom. Then this frozen sediment was lost in a freezer for decades. It was accidentally rediscovered in 2017.

In 2019, University of Vermont scientist Andrew Christ looked at it through his microscope—and couldn’t believe what he was seeing: twigs and leaves instead of just sand and rock. That suggested that the ice was gone in the recent geologic past—and that a vegetated landscape, perhaps a boreal forest, stood where a mile-deep ice sheet as big as Alaska stands today.


Speleothem record of mild and wet mid-Pleistocene climate in northeast Greenland

The five interglacials before the Mid-Brunhes Event (MBE) [c.430 thousand years (ka) ago] are generally considered to be globally cooler than those post-MBE. Inhomogeneities exist regionally, however, which suggest that the Arctic was warmer than present during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 15a. Using the first speleothem record for the High Arctic, we investigate the climatic response of northeast Greenland between c.588 and c.549 ka ago. Our results indicate an enhanced warmth of at least +3.5°C relative to the present, leading to permafrost thaw and increased precipitation. We find that δ18O of precipitation was at least 3‰ higher than today and recognize two local cooling events (c.571 and c.594 ka ago) thought to be caused by freshwater forcing. Our results are important for improving understanding of the regional climatic response leading up to the MBE and specifically provide insights into the climatic response of a warmer Arctic.


Transient Extratropical Response to Solar Ultraviolet Radiation in the Northern Hemisphere Winter

Transient Climate Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss with Two Ice-Constraining Methods

Unexpected climate variability inferred from a 380-year tree-ring earlywood oxygen isotope record in the Karakoram, Northern Pakistan

Termination of Solar Cycles and Correlated Tropospheric Variability

New study ties solar variability to the onset of decadal La Nina events


Abrupt ice age climate changes behaved like cascading dominoes

Throughout the last ice age, the climate changed repeatedly and rapidly during so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger events, where Greenland temperatures rose between 5 and 16 degrees Celsius in decades.


Solar forcing on the Northern Hemisphere weather and climate extremes during summer

The impact of solar variability on climatic parameters

Incorporating missing volcanic impacts into future climate impact assessments

Major differences in regional climate impact between high‐ and low latitude volcanic eruptions

Direct Influence of Solar Spectral Irradiance on the High-Latitude Surface Climate

Analysis of relationship between ionospheric and solar parameters using graphical models

Sea surface temperatures in the Indian Sub‐Antarctic Southern Ocean for the last four Interglacial periods

The 2000‐2012 global warming hiatus more likely with a low climate sensitivity

Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent intensification counteracts warming-induced deoxygenation

Global changes in oceanic mesoscale currents over the satellite altimetry record

High levels of CO2exchange during synoptic‐scale events introduce

large uncertainty into the Arctic carbon budget

Intrinsic oceanic decadal variability of upper-ocean heat content

Climate Science Destroyed In 8 Minutes

Role of the tropical Atlantic for the interhemispheric heat transport during the last deglaciation

Global ionospheric response to a periodic sequence of HSS/CIR events during the 2007‐2008 solar minimum

Analysis of Global Ionospheric Response to Solar Flares Based on Total Electron Content and Very Low Frequency Signals

Underestimated MJO variability in CMIP6 models

Widespread six degrees Celsius cooling on land during the Last Glacial Maximum

A 40,000 year record of vegetation, environment and climate change from Chongqing, Central China

Observational constraints on low cloud feedback reduce uncertainty of climate sensitivity

The Sun's Role for Decadal Climate Predictability in the North



Climate change, not human population growth, correlates with Late Quaternary megafauna declines in North America

There is currently no evidence for a persistent through-time relationship between human and megafauna population levels in North America. There is, however, evidence that decreases in global temperature correlated with megafauna population declines.


Immediate temperature response in northern Iberia to last deglacial changes in the North Atlantic

Impacts of Continuously Increasing Urbanization Ratios on Warming Rates and Temperature Extremes Observed over the Beijing Area

A Re-evaluation of Climate Sensitivity


Newly Discovered African ‘Climate Seesaw’ Drove Human Evolution

A scientific consortium led by Dr Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr of the University of Potsdam has found that ancient El Niño-like weather patterns were the primary drivers of environmental change in sub-Saharan Africa over the last 620 thousand years.


Multiple regression analysis of anthropogenic and heliogenic climate drivers, and some cautious forecasts

Assessing the solar variability signature in climate variables by information theory and wavelet coherence

Role of internal variability of climate system in

increase of air temperature in Wrocław (Poland) in

the years 1951–2018

Implications of improved representations of plant respiration in a changing climate

Plants release more carbon dioxide into atmosphere than expected

Historical climate effects of permafrost peatland surprise researchers

Abrupt Heinrich Stadial 1 cooling missing in Greenland oxygen isotopes

Improved simulation of 19th- and 20th-century North Atlantic hurricane frequency after correcting historical sea surface temperatures

Strong links between Saharan dust fluxes, monsoon strength, and North Atlantic climate during the last 5000 years

Synchronous Northern and Southern Hemisphere response of the westerly wind belt to solar forcing

Global climate dynamics drove the decline of mastodonts and elephants, new study suggests

Multidecadal variations in the East Asian winter monsoon and their relationship with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation since 1850

Central Asian precipitation shaped by the tropical Pacific decadal variability and the Atlantic multidecadal variability

Quantitative impact of astronomical and sun-related cycles on the Pleistocene climate system from Antarctica records


400 years worth of climate data might be enough to provide acurate models, this would mean going back to pre1800's which really screws up the manmade C02 narrative.

Three flavors of radiative feedbacks and their implications for estimating Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity

400 years might be enough to estimate the true equilibrium climate sensitivity within a 5% error


Statistical uncertainty in paleoclimate proxy reconstructions

Global oscillatory modes in high-end climate modeling and reanalyses


We find that Antarctic warming rates significantly decrease as the climate cools during the glacial period, whereas the rate of atmospheric CO2 rise does not significantly change.

Different trends in Antarctic temperature and atmospheric CO2 during the Last Glacial


Decomposition-based Teleconnection between Monthly Streamflow and Global Climatic Oscillation

Clarifying the propagation dynamics from meteorological to hydrological drought induced by climate change and direct human activities

Response of atmospheric carbon dioxide to the secular variation of weakening geomagnetic field in whole atmosphere simulations

Substantial twentieth-century Arctic warming caused by ozone-depleting substances

Influence of the Solar Cycle on the North Atlantic Oscillation

Direct evidence for thinning and retreat of the southernmost Greenland ice sheet during the Younger Dryas

Late Quaternary Stratigraphy and Geochronology of the Spring Creek Drainage along the Southern High Plains Eastern Escarpment, Northwest Texas

Can we better constrain the timing of GNAIW/UNADW variability in the Western Equatorial Atlantic and its relationship to climate change during the last deglaciation?

Rapid climate changes during the Lateglacial and the early Holocene as seen from plant community dynamics in the Polar Urals, Russia

Climate panel confronts implausibly hot models

Minor volcanic eruptions could ‘cascade’ into global catastrophe, experts warn

500 million measurements on the impact of climate change

Some Past Sea Levels May Not Have Been as High as Thought, Says Study of Rising and Sinking Landmasses

Planting forests may cool the planet more than thought

Thermospheric parameters’ long-term variations over the period including the 24/25 solar cycle minimum. Whether the CO2 increase effects are seen?

CO2 in the upper atmosphere was expected to cool it, but it isn'. Instead it is the sun controlling that region, and it has implications for other upper atmosphere changes and for CO2 forcing power across the entire atmosphere.

Uncertainty in Climate Science: Not Cause for Inaction


Massive thanks and gratitude to Ben Davidson and the Suspicious Observers project for bringing much of this science to a wider audience.

+540,000 Enthusiasts, Cooperating to Get Results, an online research community investigating solar activity, earthquakes, astrophysics and weather, along with a number of valuable video resources.

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