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A Brief History Lesson

Writer's picture: Johnny FootwrinkleJohnny Footwrinkle

Updated: Mar 30, 2024

The Bible tells us that flesh and blood beings (gods) came to Earth and created humans via genetic engineering, it also tells us they created the animals and named them. The Bible also tells us that some of Adam's genetic material was used to create Eve, a clone of Adam. These beings also altered the DNA so humans would not live as long as they would, the celebrities of the Bible, who all lived for hundreds of years, they were our genetic ancestors from whom were are descended. As our numbers grew they have moved out of sight, controlling things from behind the scenes.

When you are born and when you die, your brain floods with DMT, we produce it when we dream and it is belived that when you have a near death experience, it is the DMT that is causing it all to happen. DMT or Dimethyltriptamine is found in a huge number of plants all over the planet, but when you ingest DMT orally, an enzyme in your stomach called mono-amine-oxidase stops it from working. MAO is an enzyme that eats neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, it plays a role in how the body regulates it's moods. Certain foods can affect the amount of MAO your body is producing and in turn how the DMT affects you. In the south American rainforests the tribes there have discovered that a plant called Ayahuasca contains an MAO inhibitor, they take the ayahuasca vine and a plant that contains the DMT, they mix them together and make a brew which is drunk, the MAOI stops the enzyme in the stomach from doing anything and the shaman can go on his spirit journey for a couple of hours. Many people travel to these retreats in the rainforests to experience an ayahuasca ceremony, they report having profound and life changing experiences that leave them feeling like they have an expanded awareness and perception of reality. Alcoholics and others with addictions report being able to give up, people with conditions like anxiety, depression, PTSD report that it really helps, in fact nearly everybody who has had a DMT or an ayahuasca experience has had a positive one! The tribes of the rainforests consider it to be plant medicine and it really does heal.

If you have a handful of grain and you throw it in some water, there is enough bacteria on your hand that it would start to from a type of beer, but not like we know it today, it would be more of a pale ale than a draught lager. It's believed that in the stone age they used to make a crude type of beer or wine using grain and that the grain had some kind of mould similar to ergot upon it, it's believed that this induced a LSD type experience which is the basis for the ancient funerary rights that were practised back then. Archeochemistry has discovered that some artefacts such as cups and chalices from stone age burial sites contain traces of psychedelic compounds in the cracks upon the surfaces of these receptacles. It is believed that when someone was dying they would be given a psychedelic drink to help them prepare for the spirit world, their friends and family would also take a psychedelic so their spirits could say goodbye, and they would also bury them with psychedelic drinks as they believed it would help the spirit to pass over to the next stage of it's journey. They would all then have big meal and celebrate that their friend or loved one's spirit had returned home.

This then became Egyptian funerary rights practised by the priesthood as our society started to organise and expand itself. At Hathor temple there is a relief on a wall that shows what appears to be plants with extended bubbles coming from them, there are snakes inside the bubbles. Archaeologists have tried to say that these are lightbulbs, whilst I do not doubt the Egyptians could have had electricity in some form, these are not lightbulbs. The image shows what appears to be a cable or a vine running along the length of the image, it then appears to go vertical and become what appears to be a plant. Alongside the plant are two people, one is elevated with what appears to be the crown chakra represented, this signifies spiritual connection and awareness, higher states of consciousness. the snake is the spirit of the vine that is communicating with the person having the psychedelic experience. there is also another image of a person with the head of an animal who has knives and other tools in front of him, one of those tools is like a 'V' shaped utensil very similar to the kuripe used by the South American rainforest tribes to self administer Hapeh, a tobacco snuff used for medicinal, ceremonial and spiritual purposes. Some of these places in Egypt were built for initiates of the priesthood to use for certain rituals that required sensory deprivation, no sound, sight, smell, touch or taste, to induce an altered state of consciousness

Following on from the Egyptian funerary rights the practices morphed into what is known today as the Greek mysteries of Eleusis. Participants were only allowed to attend once in their life and were not supposed to utter a word to anyone about it. many of the great minds and thinkers of the day have alluded to many things. Guests would spend a week preparing for a psychedelic ritual, they would enact parts of the story of Persephone and Demeter culminating in the summoning of an entity during the climatic ceremony it would all build up to. The story of Persephone is the story of the seasons, the ebb and flow of life, it is the story of life, death and rebirth.

After the Greek mysteries of Eleusis, it became the Christian Eucharist, elements of the Greek Mysteries were enrobed in a new Christian veneer so those who practised the old ways would feel more comfortable with their new state enforced religion. As the Roman empire bought Christianity to more and more of the world they needed something amazing to convince the people that their religion was better, there was no internet, no television or radio, no mass publishing of books and magazines, no method of mass brainwashing everybody with the new narrative. The Greeks had just had Zeus and pluto, persephone, Hercules and the rest all living on Mount Olympus, people would rightly ask ' why is your god so great?... let's see your tricks.... we've got Zeus.. he throws thunderbolts... what you got?'. Jesus and Moses were part of the priesthood, they practised Egyptian funerary rights and all worshipped Baal but they want you think they all worship Jehovah. Jesus was deliberately persecuted in order to create the image of someone opposing the state, his crucifixion was a shamanic ritual. In Greek they have no letter J, so Jesus would have been called Yesos, when you translate that word back to it's root it means 'drugman' as in shaman/healer/herbalist. Like the shaman who push themselves to the edge of death in order to induce a visionary state of consciousness, suspended on hooks for days, no food or water, pushing their bodies to the absolute limit to force the brain to release a DMT experience, then they get bought back to full health, Jesus too went through similar trials. He wandered for 40 days with no food or water and his crucifixion was a pantomime. The Roman empire feared bad publicity and having criminals screaming in agony whilst on the crosses would look bad to tourists and those they were trying to conquer. The centurions who were guarding the crosses would have a bucket of water mixed with herbs that were used for sedative and painkilling qualities. When a crucifixee started to get a bit loud with his cries of pain, they would put a sponge on the end of their spear and wipe this potion over the crucifixees wounds to quieten them down a bit. Jesus was on the cross and 'died', his body was put in a tomb for sensory deprivation, no sound, no light, nothing. He would have his visionary experience then on the Sunday morning, his handlers would come and revive him, take him away to heal and the church would proclaim him reborn, back from the dead.

When Jesus turned water to wine, he was making psychedelic wine. When Jesus said through me you shall know the father and eternal life, he was saying that if you took a psychedelic potion, you would connect to your higher self, you would become one with all of reality and move beyond your mortal self. You would become 'godlike' and have access to guidance and answers to your questions, you would communicate with entities on a higher plane and realise that your spirit is eternal, it lives on after physical death. there is a saying - If you die before you die when you die you don't die, meaning, if you take a psychedelic you will realise that your spirit is immortal and there is more than just the physical part of our existence. When Jesus healed people he was giving them psychedelic potions to help alleviate the mental suffering as much as their physical suffering. When Jesus made the blind see, he enlightened them by expanding their awareness and their perception of reality.

In a way we could think of Jesus like the 'truther' of his day, nowadays we hear people warning us about vaccines, chemtrails and all manner of other topics, but jesus was trying to stop the church from removing the spirituality from spirituality and turning it into a boring lifeless dogmatic religion to be enforced on everybody. The church wanted to remove the psychedelics and keep the knowledge and acces to higher realms for themselves, whilst the rest of us were enslaved and kept ignorant. Jesus tried to show us the part they were keeping from us, he tried to show us that if we took psychedelics we would open up to the wonders of the universe and see that our spirit is eternal and lives forever. We don't need to build massive cathederals, spledid though they are, we don't need to be preached to, we don't need to threatened with judgement and eternal damnation in a lake of hellfire for not jumping through hoops like good little puppies. We simply need to use plant medicines and connect to our higher selfs.

There is a plant that grows in the middle east called the Thorn Apple, it causes hot sweats, burning mouth, fever like symptoms and it also produces a psychedelic experience, the locals call it 'the Bush that Burns', Moses spoke to burning bush, he had 'visions'. Adam and Eve spoke to a snake, but lets be honest about this, when in the history of mankind has anyone ever had a proper conversation with an animal? the serpent was the spirit of the plant, the apple they have just eaten, they too, like Moses and Jesus were having a psychedelic experience. Our world is built on the words of people who had visions, half the world worships the words of people who had 'visions', what was so special about these people that they got to communicate with entities and you and I don't?

The priesthood were using psychedelics and following stone age/Egyptian funerary rights. It's how we have gained a lot of knowledge that has helped humanity to evolve, only we're not being given the whole picture. The church wants the monopoly on spirituality. Once upon a time if you wanted to speak to a spirit you would go visit a witch. they would make you a potion from psychedelic plants and you would drink it. Ever wondered why alcoholic drinks are called 'spirits'? Witches were healers, herbalists , shamans and the like, working with plant medicines but the church doesn't want the ordinary people accessing their higher self. they want control of your minds, fearful of being judged and shamed. Controlling your behaviour and your thoughts lest you be branded a sinner. Jumping through hoops to reach some kind of state of nirvana that is alluded to but no real instruction is offered as to how to explore the inner world. Mindless consumers kept in perpetual ignorance about their true self. When you die, there is no heaven, no hell, no judgement. You simply go home.

The church wants you to believe that it is Adam and Eve's fault that we no longer live as long as we used to, that we no longer have eternal life. that eating the apple was so bad we have to be punished forever. this is all the church trying to make you feel guilty, to opress you, to control you. We all have eternal life and when Adam and Eve toook the psychedelic, they understood this too, their awareness expanded and they suddenly realised they were naked, they were no longer so niave and innocent. the church wants you to believe that expanding human awareness and perception is a bad thing so they lied and altered the Bible. Our DNA was deliberately altered so we would not live as long as the flesh and blood beings who created us, who are not 'gods' but just more technologically advanced than we are right now, but that doesn't mean humans couldn't reach the same level some day in the future. The truth has been hidden and many theatrics performed in a millenias long pantomime to keep you distracted and unaware of humanity's true origins and potential.

The Immortality Key - Brian Muraresku

The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries     

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Mar 31, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Sounds about right, the Bible certainly doesn't tell us the real truth!

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