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The Chelmsford Star

Writer's picture: Johnny FootwrinkleJohnny Footwrinkle

Updated: May 17, 2022

Since I was a kid I've always had an interest in paranormal stuff like ghosts, ESP, telekinesis and things like astral projection and that has developed into esoteric interests as a grown up which has led to me reading a lot of stuff about history and ancient monuments and the people who created them, places like Stonehenge, the pyramids of Egypt and sites like Ankar wat, All over the globe there are traces of an ancient culture that was highly intelligent with complex knowledge of scientific disciplines like astronomy and they laid out their structures to incorporate astronomical alignments to mark certain times of the year like summer solstice, or for fertility with maybe an alignment to the star of Venus such as Newgrange in Ireland

The idea behind these alignments still carries on to this day with many places including Washington DC being laid out to some kind of esoteric pattern, In DC the city layout contains a pentagram and an owl that incorporate monuments like the White House, all clues and symbols for the people who know what to look for.

So in amongst the books I've been reading I've been reading a lot about the history of Jesus and who he really was, and the mystery surrounding him, one book in particular 'The Arcadian Cipher'is the book upon which The da Vinci code is based, where it's revealed that Jesus actually married and had kids and possibly settled around the south of France, in the book it tells how the painting of the Last Supper actually had part of it missing and when it was rediscovered the researchers measured out the geometry of the painting and imposed it over a map of a region of France, they found that there were locations that aligned perfectly with the shapes from the picture as if deliberately encoded, and from then on I've often wondered if Chelmsford had anything hidden in it's layout. I had looked quickly but nothing jumped out originally.

It was a Google search that triggered of my interest again, Whilst looking for the 'Serpentine lake' in Hyde park London, I was offered a Serpentine lake at Hylands park, I was surprised as I've always known of that lake but never knew it actually had that name, In the esoteric realm of things snakes and serpents are common symbols to come across but can often be a clue as well as a sign for healing and medicine, seeing the lake in Hylands was like a little red flag so I pulled up Chelmsford on Google maps and started having a look.

There's a lot of rich history surrounding Broomfield, witches and other spooky goings on, so I picked St Marys and St Leonards as the start point, the energy at this site goes back to Saxon and Norse times with a dedication to Thor at one point and it seemed double significant because my grandparents were named Leonard and Mary and were both devout Christians their entire life's, and here they are in the heart of witch country, it also made sense that long ago pilgrims walking from Canterbury to Bury st Edmunds would probably have walked a ley that runs northerly from Chelmsford cathedral straight through St Mary and St Leonards.

I drew a line connecting these two points and made that the radius for a circle with the Cathedral in the middle, then marked out churches and other sites and started drawing lines to see if anything appeared that was geometrically recognisable, there are a few triangles across the town centre but nothing really stood out so I started making a triangle from the 3 St Marys at Broomfield,Baddow and Widford,

There is a reference to Three Marys in the Gospel According to Phillip, which also happens to be my first name so I took this as a sign I was on the right path.

Three marys - Gospel according to Phillip

Gospel according to Phillip :

I then found Bethel chapel on Chignal road built on land donated by the Marriage family around 1926, this gave me the left hand point, then I found St Augustines in Springfield and was able to complete an almost symmetrical star, after a bit of tinkering about and moving the star slightly, placing the cathedral on the central axis, the 5 points made a star with the South east point being almost bang on the serpentine lake at hylands. did they choose the lake for a reason?

Could there be something buried beneath the water perhaps?, designed by Humphry Repton just after 1800, he also worked on a number of other high profile country estates and definitely had links to freemasonry so it's not that big a surprise really and kind of makes sense that it's the point of a star. A reptilian named water feature is definitely a clue in my book

Inside Chelmsford cathedral is a painting of the tree of life, again this had a bit of a significance as I use kabalistic meditation techniques and at the core of the kaballah is the tree of life, the kaballah pre-dates Christianity although the church has Incorporated parts of it as the spiritual forces of mankind have evolved from one school of thought to the next and no doubt they will continue to evolve as we learn more about the universe and our place in it.

Chelmsford is I feel quite a special place, the 2 rivers are significant, moving water generates energy, it's common to find healing centres around places where rivers meet and energies join and that I think is a factor that contributes to Chelmsford's atmosphere. it could also help to explain why Broomfied has so much history, healers were often mislabelled as witches out of ignorance and fear of the unknown. Chelmer valley is full of vibrant energy especially around the nature reserve leading into the town, The cathedral itself is a node for dragon energy or base reptilian energy, accessible to a few people and can be used for healing and general positive outcomes for your prayers and meditations.

And outside the cathedral we have St Peter, and obviously as sacred sites are laid out to sacred ratios like phi, (first three letters of my Christian name) the golden ratio 1.618 , the first thing to do is check the bible for books containing a chapter 16 with 18 or more verses, and lo and behold in Matthew we find the following

St Peter with the 'key'

"And I tell you that you are Peter,and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven"

Mathew 16:18 - The Golden ratio

I interpret that to mean 'as above so below' which again is a important esoteric phrase and crops up over and over again especially in the kaballah, a more in depth addition is now 'as within so without' which can be taken to represent the duality between our inner consciousness and the energy we project outwardly, if you send out negative hateful energy then so your world will be filled with negative events and people but if we try to project positive energy then we shall receive positive energy back into our world, not too dissimilar from the law of karma of the christian tenet of doing unto others as we would have done to ourselves.

Also hidden in the Gospel according to Phillip is this little reference which could be interpreted as a nod towards the 'as above so below' mantra of the esoteric world

There are also many references to the esoteric hidden in plain sight all around us, how many times did you recite the Lord's prayer as a child? Have you ever looked closer at what you were saying?

The Lord's Prayer. Hidden in plain sight

'On Earth as it is in Heaven' could easily be interpreted as 'As Below So Above'

And hidden at the end, after every prayer we proclaim 'Amen', still in use since the days of Amen-Ra.

I'm not sure if I'm the first person to discover the star, I sort of assumed people had looked already, especially after the Da Vinci code and the Arcadian cipher plus with local authors like Andrew Collins and his book The Black Alchemist, there's probably a few others know about it. And then we have Chelmsford Star Co-op, maybe a reference to the esoteric hidden all along, both Bethel chapel and St Augustines in Springfield are newer churches, laid within the last 100 years although still just as relevant as sites for spiritual energy, it's still a pretty cool little discovery that adds a bit of mystery to the city and could even make a great charity walk or bike ride, mapping out the star, each side is approx 3 miles point to point so a 15 mile course could potentially be traced out. And it's also a reminder that we should always make time for the spiritual side of life, wether that's through a religion or personal methods it's something that can benefit all of us.

Google maps

moated sites & Ordnance Survey scheduled monuments, Central Essex/Chelmsford & surrounding

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